Planetary gardener. Life first
Gilles Clément et Coloco
Nicolas Bonnenfant, Miguel Georgieff, Pablo Georgieff
Bienvenue à vous Jardiniers planétaires !
Welcome planetary gardeners!
Willkommen, ihr planetarischen Gärtner!
Benvenuti giardinieri planetari!
Welcome planetary gardeners!
This book is an invitation to see ourselves as living beings made up of other living beings, evolving within complex communities. Adopting the point of view of the Planetary Gardener requires personal sensitivity, scientific rigour and practical experience.
Beyond what nature can do for us, let's ask ourselves
What can we do for nature? Let's be alarmed, let's widen our focus, but above all let's adopt a code of conduct and take immediate action on all fronts.
The Global Gardeners whose actions are presented here work on vast territories as well as very small gardens with the same respect. They are not all landscape gardeners, nor do they only carry out commissioned projects. They are sometimes involved in situations of resistance and activism that defend the Presence of living things.
The final part of the book sets out the main concepts developed by Gilles Clément and Coloco to help you get started on your part of the planetary garden.